#00: SOON - Missives from the MeatCastle!
From the only castle made of meat you (probably) know, Christian Sorrell
Art by Thomas Novosel
This is Missives from the MeatCastle, a weekly/monthly (look, we’ll feel it out) newsletter about tabletop roleplaying game thoughts, experiments, and pseudo-reviews from Christian Sorrell (that’s me). I will be using this space to reflect on my successes and failures as a (hopefully) burgeoning independent creator and publisher in the space as well as examining the games, books, etc. that I get a chance to read and play and find myself really loving.
I am a relative newbie to the scene of ttrpg writing and design, but I’ve been a player and avid DM/GM for years. I produce a long-ish running DnD 5e (and occasionally other games) podcast called Encounter Time. In the last year, I published my first module (The Mole on PIRAD ONE, a pamphlet adventure for Mothership) and have since put out additional goodies for Mork Borg, The Company, and a few stand-alone/systems-free projects as well. Check them out at https://christiansorrell.itch.io/ if that’s your kind of thing.
See you (in your inbox) soon!